APW Print Studio Access Program

Australian Print Workshop Print Studio Access Program provides experienced printmakers with access to a wide range of professional printmaking equipment and facilities. It offers artists an unrivalled opportunity to work in one of Australia’s leading print studios, with an international reputation as a centre of excellence for printmaking. Thousands of original fine art prints produced by many of Australia’s leading contemporary artists are part of Australian Print Workshop's (APW’s) proud 44-year history.

Located in the heart of Fitzroy’s Gertrude Street precinct – APW’s spacious, well-maintained and equipped print studio offers facilities for etching, lithography, relief printing and monoprinting.

APW’s Print Studio Access Program provides a friendly and relaxed professionally equipped print studio environment in which to work.

The following information outlines the operation of the Australian Print Workshop's Print Studio Access Program and our expectations of artists participating in the program.



Australian Print Workshop encourages and welcomes artists from diverse backgrounds and experience who can demonstrate proficiency in printmaking, confidence in handling printing equipment and materials, a capacity to work independently, and a commitment to working cooperatively in a shared work environment.

While the APW Print Studio Access Program is supervised, APW Staff are not available to provide technical assistance to individual studio users. Staff are on hand to ensure the safe operation of the studio.

For those who may not yet be ready to work independently in the APW Print Studio Access Program, APW offers a range of educational programs and printmaking classes that provide experience and skills development in a variety of print mediums.


Studio Orientation 

Prior to participating in the Australian Print Workshop Print Studio Access Program, artists are required to attend a studio orientation session. This session covers Australian Print Workshop’s protocols and procedures; studio OH&S practices; as well as the appropriate and safe usage of APW’s Print Studio facilities, equipment, and materials.

Each calendar year, all artists are required to complete a studio orientation session to ensure that their understanding of the operations of the APW Print Studio Access Program and our expectations of artists using the studio, is up to date. There is no charge to attend a Print Studio Access Program studio orientation session. 

For those new to the APW Print Studio Access Program, the studio orientation is an opportunity to show an APW staff member a selection of prints that you have produced and printed yourself to demonstrate your capacity to work independently in the APW Print Access Studio.

Artists are only able to use the studio for the printmaking techniques in which they have demonstrated the required level of skill, during a studio orientation session.

The Print Studio Access Program booking system will be explained as part of the studio orientation session.

Book HERE to attend a Studio Orientation Session.


Artists who have successfully completed an APW Print Studio Access Program Orientation will be asked to sign an Artist Agreement. The agreement confirms the artist’s understanding of and commitment to abide by the APW Print Studio Access Program operating procedures and protocols.


Workstations : Printmaking Equipment and Facilities

The Australian Print Workshop Print Studio Access Program offers six self-contained workstations. Each Workstation has been designed as an individual workspace, providing the artist with exclusive use of their own press, bench space, and other essential printmaking equipment.

Established COVID-19 safe protocols have created more diligent frameworks for shared workspaces and work environments. As a result, each Workstation can accommodate one artist per day, to help alleviate the need to sanitise and clean shared equipment and other high touch surfaces repeatedly throughout the day.

Workstations will be set-up and sanitised at the beginning of each day; prior to the studio opening to artists. At the end of each day, the APW Print Studio Access and other public areas will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised. For improved ventilation, studio windows will be opened (weather permitting) to facilitate increased air flow through the studio.

The Australian Print Workshop Print Studio Access Program includes the following workstations:

Workstation #1

  • Grey – Hilton Manual Etching Press (bed size: 165cm x 98cm)
  • Hotplate
  • Soft ground kit (small brayer & soft ground)
  • Hard ground kit (small brayer & hard ground)
  • Glass inking bench (197cm x 116cm)
  • 2 x ink knives
  • Spray bottle of ‘Ecolight’ cleaning solution (to clean the glass inking bench)
  • 7 x drying boards (90cm x 64cm)
  • 7 x large sheets newsprint
  • Small supply of white cotton rags
  • Rubbish bin
  • Spray bottle of disinfectant & cleaning cloths
  • Adjustable stool

Workstation #2

  • Black – Hilton Manual Etching Press (bed size: 168cm x 98cm)
  • Hotplate
  • Soft ground kit (small brayer & soft ground)
  • Hard ground kit (small brayer & hard ground)
  • Glass inking bench (203cm x 89cm)
  • 2 x ink knives
  • Spray bottle of ‘Ecolight’ cleaning solution (to clean the glass inking bench)
  • 7 x drying boards (90cm x 64cm)
  • 7 x large sheets newsprint
  • Small supply of white cotton rags
  • Rubbish bin
  • Spray bottle of disinfectant & cleaning cloths
  • Adjustable stool

Workstation #3

  • Takach Garfield - Motorized Lithographic Press (bed size: 176cm x 100cm)
  • Custom-made bed for printing lithographic plates (bed size: 176cm x 100cm. available on request)
  • Nederman extraction fan (shared between workstations #3 + #4. Available on request)
  • A selection of Tympans (various sizes)
  • A selection of Scraper bars (various widths)
  • 2 x stainless steel buckets
  • 4 small mixing bowls
  • 2 pieces of cheesecloth (for buffing stones)
  • Leather nap roller (width = 36cm)
  • Lithographic ink for proofing (black 1796)
  • Glass inking bench (122cm x 83cm)
  • 2 x ink knives
  • Spray bottle of ‘Ecolight’ cleaning solution (to clean the glass inking bench)
  • 7 x drying boards (90cm x 64cm)
  • 7 x large sheets newsprint
  • Small supply of white cotton rags
  • Solvent rag disposal bin
  • Rubbish bin
  • Spray bottle of disinfectant & cleaning cloths
  • Adjustable stool

Workstation #4

  • Takach Garfield - Manual Lithographic Press (bed size: 146cm x 85cm)
  • Custom-made bed for printing lithographic plates (bed size: 140cm x 82cm available on request)
  • Nederman extraction fan (shared between workstations #3 + #4. Available on request)
  • A selection of Tympans (various sizes)
  • A selection of Scraper bars (various widths)
  • 2 x stainless steel buckets
  • 4 small mixing bowls
  • 2 pieces of cheesecloth (for buffing stones)
  • Leather nap roller (width = 36cm)
  • Lithographic ink for proofing (black 1796)
  • Glass inking bench (122cm x 83cm)
  • 2 x ink knives
  • Spray bottle of ‘Ecolight’ cleaning solution (to clean the glass inking bench)
  • 7 x drying boards (90cm x 64cm)
  • 7 x large sheets newsprint
  • Small supply of white cotton rags
  • Solvent rag disposal bin
  • Rubbish bin
  • Spray bottle of disinfectant & cleaning cloths
  • Adjustable stool

Workstation #5

  • Columbian Press - Platen Press (bed size: 59cm x 47cm + platen size: 49cm x 39cm)
  • Brayer Roller (20cm x 7cm)
  • Glass inking bench (113cm x 85cm)
  • 2 x ink knives
  • Spray bottle of ‘Ecolight’ cleaning solution (to clean the glass inking bench)
  • 7 x large sheets newsprint
  • Large drying rack (shared between workstations #5 + #6)
  • Small supply of white cotton rags
  • Rubbish bin
  • Spray bottle of disinfectant & cleaning cloths
  • Adjustable stool

Workstation #6

  • Albion Press - Platen Press (bed size: 72cm x 54cm + platen size 60cm x 45cm)
  • Brayer Roller (20cm x 7cm)
  • Glass inking bench (113cm x 85cm)
  • 2 x ink knives
  • Spray bottle of ‘Ecolight’ cleaning solution (to clean the glass inking bench)
  • 7 x large sheets newsprint
  • Large drying rack (shared between workstations #5 + #6)
  • Small supply of white cotton rags
  • Rubbish bin
  • Spray bottle of disinfectant & cleaning cloths
  • Adjustable stool

Additional printmaking equipment and materials supplied by APW includes:

  • Access to over 100 lithographic stones (various sizes from: 18cm x 30cm to 60cm x 80cm)
  • Stone graining sink (size: 172cm x 120cm)
  • 2 x Levigators
  • Carborundum grit – various grades (for graining stones)
  • Nitric acid and phosphoric acid (for lithographic processing)
  • Bitumen solution (for lithographic stone wash-out)
  • Counter-etch solution (diluted acetic acid for lithographic processing)
  • Synthetic rollers (various sizes: widths from 10cm to 42cm)
  • Prepared red oxide paper
  • Paper dampening sink
  • Paper preparation bench (size: 178cm x 125cm)
  • Compressed felt blankets (various size and thickness – available on request)
  • Guillotine for cutting metal plates (artists to request staff assistance)
  • Plate filing bench (size: 76cm x 62cm)
  • Files + supply of emery board / sandpaper
  • Liquid hard ground solution
  • Shellac
  • Pre-made sugar lift solution
  • Brasso (for polishing metal plates)
  • Aquatint box - traditional rosin aquatint (maximum plate size: 98cm x 68cm)
  • Plate smoking rack (maximum plate size: 98cm x 68cm)
  • Prepared - Lighting Tapers (for smoking grounds)
  • Ferric Chloride - bath for etching copper plates (maximum plate size: 98cm x 68cm)
  • Large wash off sink
  • Mineral Turpentine
  • Methylated Spirits
  • Rosin
  • Magnesium carbonate
  • Whiting
  • Soy sauce (for degreasing plates)
  • Ventilated process room with fume extraction system
  • Large area for degreasing and cleaning with solvents – with dedicated extraction fan
  • Hand cleaner (pump bottle of liquid solvol soap)
  • Hand sanitiser + supply of disposal paper towels

Printmaking equipment and materials to be supplied by Artists includes:

  • Ink
  • Tarlatan
  • Lithographic drawing materials (litho crayons, touché etc)
  • Masking tape
  • Paper (proofing & editioning)
  • Template (to assist with accurate placement of your plate & paper when proofing & printing)
  • Tools (ie: cutting knife, brushes, etching and/or carving tools, etc)
  • Personal Protective Equipment (as detailed in below)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Australian Print Workshop strongly recommends that all artists supply and wear personal protective equipment and work in accordance with health & safety regulations.

PPE that artists may require includes:

  • an appropriate respirator (ideally fitted with dust particle and organic vapour filters)
  • eye protection (safety goggles)
  • gloves (solvent & acid resistant)

Artists using the APW Print Studio Access Program must:

  • wear sturdy closed toe footwear
  • steel capped boots are recommended for etching
  • non-slip work shoes with thick soles are recommended for lithography
  • open-toed shoes, sandals, and thongs are not permitted

Wear protective clothing:

  • ensure loose clothing is confined or removed
  • use a protective work apron (a waterproof apron is suggested for litho)

Ensure that long hair is tied back and/or covered for safety.

Operating Hours

Australian Print Workshop Print Studio Access Program operating hours are:

  • Thursday:        10am-4pm

  • Friday:            10am-4pm

Cleaning protocols require APW Staff to clean and thoroughly sanitise the APW Print Studio Access Program space and other public areas of APW at the start and finish of each day. Therefore, please note that these operating hours need to be strictly enforced, to ensure completion of the necessary cleaning protocols.

Booking Procedures

Bookings are for full days (10am-4pm) and can be made up to 4 weeks in advance. For artists travelling from regional areas and/or interstate, bookings can be made further in advance after consultation with APW staff.

When making your booking please indicate which Workstation you would like to book.

Please also indicate if you wish to access any of the following facilities:

  • Processing Room: Ferric Chloride acid bath / Aquatint box / Plate smoking rack / etc…

  • Graining Sink

  • Paper Preparation Area: Paper Preparation Bench / Paper dampening sink / etc….

Please note that access to these areas is limited to one person at a time and artists should be prepared to schedule their time to accommodate other artists where necessary.

Telephone bookings can be made by contacting APW on (03) 9419 5466 (10am-5pm, Tues-Sat).

Bookings can also be made in person via visiting the APW Gallery (10am-5pm, Tues-Sat).


Payment must be paid in full at the time of booking.

APW prefers cash-free payment methods and appreciates your cooperation.

APW accepts payment via card over the phone or in person during APW Gallery hours (Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm). APW accepts MasterCard and Visa.


If you are unable to attend a session that you’ve booked, please notify APW as soon as possible, so that other artists on the waiting list can be given the opportunity to work in the studio.

Refunds will only be given if notification of a cancellation is made at least 2 weeks before the date of the booking. All cancellations must be made via email: contact@australianprintworkshop.com


Program Fees

Australian Print Workshop is committed to supporting artists and the art of fine art printmaking and considers the Print Studio Access Program one of its signature programs.

Recent times have presented many challenges for APW and has highlighted the need for APW to align program fees more closely to the actual cost of conducting all programs, including the APW Print Studio Access Program. While APW will continue to subsidise the Print Studio Access Program, COVID impacts revealed that the level of subsidy APW offered in the past was no longer sustainable.

In recognition that the past few years have been extra challenging for our community of artists, APW has managed to maintain the Print Access Studio Program fees introduced at the beginning of 2021.

Australian Print Workshop Print Access Studio Program fees are:

  • Daily rate:            $100 (GST inclusive) per day

  • Concession rate:   $60   (GST inclusive) per day

The concession rate is available to full-time students and holders of Pension Cards and Health Care Cards (proof of entitlement is required).

There is are no additional charges for use of the process room facilities and/or stone graining.


Working in the Studio



  • Entry to the APW Print Studio Access is via APW’s Gore Street door only.
  • Once greeted by APW staff, you will be directed through to your assigned workstation.


Workstations are clearly delineated. You are expected (as much as possible) to stay within your designated Workstation area. All your personal belongings (bags, folders, materials, and any tools that you bring with you) must be kept within your Workstation.

Please be mindful of social distance in the studio, particularly if you need to use the process room or graining sink, as only one Artist at a time is permitted to use each of these facilities.

It is essential that Artists thoroughly clean and wipe all equipment with disinfectant (supplied by APW) after use, especially any communal tools and equipment that may have been handled without gloves.

Artists must report any missing or damaged equipment to an APW Staff member. Do not attempt to repair or alter any equipment yourself.

Any items damaged must be replaced at the Artists expense – to ensure that APW can continue to supply and offer the full range of printmaking equipment to other Artists accessing the Studio.

APW's shared kitchen includes tea & coffee making facilities and access to mugs, cups & cutlery. Artists are welcome to use the fridge to store their lunch and use the tap in the kitchenette to replenish drink bottles. In the interests of hygiene the kitchen bench is not to be used to prepare meals. APW encourages Artists to consider bringing their own thermos of tea / coffee and bringing a prepared lunch, or alternatively consider visiting one of the many nearby cafes.

Artists are encouraged to take regular breaks and when possible to eat lunch in an open-air setting outside the Studio, however, APW has designated a separate area within the studio for Artists who may wish to eat their lunch at APW.

There are 3 toilets on the ground floor which are accessible to Artists using the APW Print Studio Access Program. 


Artists must allow 30 minutes at the end of their workday - to properly clean their workstation, disinfect tools and equipment, and pack up. Cleaning materials will be provided for each Workstation.

You must take all your work, materials, personal belongings with you when you leave. Personal items left in the Studio will be disposed of.

There is a strict closing time of 4pm. Please factor this into your work schedule.


And FINALLY….The following Code of Conduct outlines APW's commitment to fostering an inspiring, inclusive and safe environment where creativity can thrive. 


APW Code of Conduct

APW upholds the highest standards of professional conduct by prioritising - 

  • Safety: ensuring a safe, secure and hazard-free workspace for all.
  • Respect: valuing the contributions, individuality, and wellbeing of all studio and gallery users, including artists, staff, and visitors.
  • Communication: interacting with courtesy, kindness and an open mind. 
  • Care: treating APW equipment, Workstations, facilities and all persons with respect, awareness and consideration. 

APW does not tolerate behaviour that breaches this Code of Conduct and/or is considered unprofessional, unsafe, disrespectful, or unlawful. This includes - 

  • behaviour that creates a risk to health and safety
  • behaviour that causes another person to feel offended, intimidated, bullied, humiliated, harassed, or discriminated against based on characteristics including their ages, disability, gender identity, political or religous beliefs, race, and/or sexual orientation. 

The Artist Agreement you are required to sign upon successful completion of orientation further enshrines these principles.

Australian Print Workshop welcomes your participation in the APW Print Studio Access Program and appreciates your cooperation in helping to ensure it is a rewarding and inspriring experience for everyone.